Common Symptoms of auditory processing problems:
Difficulty following verbal instructions and sequential directions
Inconsistent academic performance
Poor spelling and reading skills
Poor participation in group work
These types of behaviors, however, are common across a variety of diagnoses, including auditory processing, attention deficit, and specific language disorders.

Our Auditory Processing Training:
Provides hierarchical practice across the continuum of auditory and linguistic processing
Strengthens the auditory foundations of basic sound difference awareness
Manipulates those skills in language efficiency
Auditory Processing Training strengthens:

Auditory Awareness and Attention
Auditory Discrimination
Overall active listening skills (Dichotic Listening, Temporal Patterning)
Phonemic Manipulation
Phonemic Awareness
Our Auditory Processing Training works on:
Dichotic Listening
Dichotic Listening is the brain’s ability to recognize different sounds from each ear, even if they are heard at the exact same time. This means that the sounds in the right ear mean different things than the sounds in the left ear. The brain interprets each ear's message independently, instead of integrating the sounds into just one meaning.
The majority of our everyday listening is binaural listening (both ears working together). By using both ears together, any sound information missed by one ear can be filled in by the other ear due to the redundancy of the auditory nervous system. We use these binaural skills to improve our hearing when there is more than one person talking or when we're listening in noisy places. The brain also uses binaural listening to help us locate where sounds are coming from, as the ear closest to the sound hears it fractions of a second before the other ear does.
Students with difficulties understanding auditory information when there is background noise or more than one person speaking at a time, may benefit from specific training in dichotic and binaural listening skills. Dichotic tasks will help strengthen both auditory pathways individually. Binaural tasks will help strengthen auditory pathway integration.
Temporal Patterning
Temporal Patterning is the awareness of acoustic patterns within the sound. Our ears use many features to differentiate sounds. Some sounds are low and booming, like a clap of thunder, and others are soft and rhythmic, like a ticking clock. Sounds may vary in their pitch or tone, loudness, and length. It is the combination of these characteristics that make sounds unique and allow us to attach meaning to different sounds. Just as we learn to differentiate between a dial tone, a ring tone and a busy signal on the phone, we use the same acoustic patterns to differentiate between the sounds of our language. A student who has difficulty identifying basic changes in sound will have difficulty hearing the subtle acoustic changes of speech.
Auditory Discrimination
As we listen throughout the day, the brain constantly interprets the sounds we hear as either speech or non-speech sound.
The brain has learned through experience the hum of the refrigerator does not fit into the speech sound category. The temporal patterning skills the brain uses to determine that it is the refrigerator humming instead of the microwave running, show sound discrimination and interpretation. These skills, when applied to speech sounds, can be maximized to improve perception and discrimination of those sounds, even when the speech sound production is distorted. These abilities are especially important with blended sounds and ongoing speech.
Phonemic Awareness
Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate individual sounds-phonemes in spoken words. Before children learn to read print, they need to become more aware of how the sounds in words work.
Phonemic Manipulation
Phonemic Awareness is a foundation skill for learning language. A child begins to learn language by hearing the words spoken around him. After many instances of hearing the word “dog” when the dog is present, the child learns that the acoustic sound of “dog” refers to a furry, floppy-eared family pet. To learn a language efficiently, the child must also learn that words are created by stringing sounds together. He must learn that words are made of individual sounds, together and individually they affect the meaning of the word. The recognition of the sounds, or phonemes, allows the child to begin creating his language code. The ability of a child to identify, isolate, and manipulate phonemes in words is the functional outcome of phonemic code system mastery.
Phonic skills begin with understanding that words are made up of letters and that these letters make specific sounds in words.
Young children learn to pair a sound with a letter by associating it with a picture that begins with that letter ( A is for apple, B is for book). The child begins to associate that letter with the sound in familiar words.
To develop reading and writing skills, the child must generalize these letter sounds to new words and learn specific patterns in letter pronunciation variations.
While most students acquire a basic ability in phonics, many students struggle with manipulating letters in words.